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Historical Marker Video - Saturday, May 14, 2016

In the News!

Pittsburgh and the surrounding areas are where the majority of our members live with several mothers and daughters who have joined together.

DPM Chapter currently has over 50 members.

We hold two business meetings a year.

The mission of our chapter is to "bring members together and do good for the community while gaining historical knowledge."

All ages of women can join U.S.D. 1812.  Women younger than 18 are considered Junior members until they turn 18 becoming full members.

For more than a century, the members of the National Society United States Daughters of 1812, have dedicated themselves to patriotism, preservation of documents and relics, and education.  Dolley Payne Madison members are dedicated.


The United States Daughters of 1812 was founded on January 8, 1892.  The date of January 8 was chosen as it marks the anniversary of the Battle of New Orleans, which was a huge American victory and also the last major battle of the War of 1812.  

Work of the Society includes promotion and education of the The Flag House and Star-Spangled Banner Museum, Old Fort Niagara, and Fort McHenry; providing reading materials to the American Merchant Marine Library Association ; and preservation and education of St. Michael and All Angel's Church in England.  In addition, the Society also helps to support schools for under privileged children, America's veterans, and JROTC and ROTC programs.

The National Headquarters of the National Society United States Daughters of 1812, is located in Washington, DC.   There you will find our national library and museum.

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The leaders of our society are:

Cheryl "Cher" Miller Sesma

President National

Maribeth Wilt-Seibert

PA State President

Rebecca Michelucci-Braun

Dolley Payne Madison President

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